Monday 21 December 2015


P O W E R C H A I N S.

I am finally at the powerchain phase, guys! I am really excited that my braces journey is finally coming to an end.

My visit to the clinic today was not a pleasant on. Dr Ho told me that he will be seeing me in a month's time because my braces have to be compeleted by Chinese New Year which is in Feb (It's been 2 years and 2 months since I first got my braces and he thinks that it is too long). In addition to that, I had two rotated canines which resulted in a small gap on my upper front teeth and Dr Ho did something to it to help me rotate the canines back to where it should be so that the gap will be closed and now my upper braces are so tight and painful. I really hate this part of braces guys but I am trying very hard to stay positive now that I am so close to the end of my braces journey. I am really excited for the day where by my braces are off and I can put on retainers. As much as I feel sad that this journey is coming to an end, I am really happy that I finally have a beautifully aligned set of teeth! Really can't wait to show you guys my new smile once my braces are off. Here's one from today's appointment!

Brace on,

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Hello guys!
It's been a while and I hope all of you are doing great! About a week back I went for my dental appointment and Dr Ho wasn't so pleased with how my lower set of teeth are moving at a slower pace compared to the upper set. It was partly because I haven't been exactly compliant with the rubber bands since I am mostly at home and my meal times are pretty close to my waking hours so I only put them after my dinner or before I go to bed. Initially he was planning to use springs on top of the rubber to help shift the lower set of teeth but it will cause my lower set of teeth to shift in further and it won't look as great so the plan now is for me to try and wear the rubberbands more often and hope it will shift better!

Can't wait for the next appointment because it will be my last payment! Woohoo!!

Looking forward to finishing my journey with you guys!

Have a great week!

Braced with lots of love,

Wednesday 1 April 2015


Woke up to a not so funny April Fool's joke.
It just had to be 1st of April that my bracket comes off making me think this is some April Fool's joke.

Woke up this morning feeling a little weird on the last bracket only to later realize that it came off loose. I was just feeling a little lazy today only to find out that it was the one that I had to hook my rubber bands on so I called the clinic up and was told that I'd need to go down to have it fixed.

This is the moment when I learnt that it is extremely important to pick a dental clinic closest to your home. There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to picking a clinic. It wouldn't really matter if you are just going there to get your extractions or fillings etc done but because you are going to see this dentist for the next 2 years it is important that you are comfortable and happy to see him. Yes, I mentioned happy because it is already awful enough to have to go through all these discomfort when there are people who are born with are perfect set of teeth so you want to make sure your dentist make you feel good going through all these painful visits.

Aside from that, we need to consider the cost of getting your braces done since different clinic charges differently. The dentist may be really good and everyone is recommending that you see him but if it is really too expensive and you cannot afford to pay for it, don't force yourself.  There are other clinics that charges it slightly lower but that doesn't mean that they aren't good alright? Unlike bags, it doesn't have to be branded and expensive to last you for a long time. Do your research and ask around. I am lucky that it didn't take me many friends to find the clinic that I was comfortable visiting.

Lastly, never forget that sometimes unfortunate things happen and you will need to make a trip back down to the clinic to get things fixed. You wouldn't want to find yourself living in the north and having to travel all the way to the south just for that few minute session. Even though Yishun and Sembawang is just next to each other, it is still a torture on days that I am very lazy (like today).

Alright, that's all that I can think of but if you have any more pointers for me to add on, feel free to leave it under the comments section so that the rest of us can learn from it too!

Have a great start to April guys!
All the brace (best)!

Did filling for my upper molar and Dr HO changed the bottom wire to a smaller one to help shift the teeth better. He told me the upper set is shifting quite well. Yay!
In addition he helped to trim the wire on the upper set because it's poking into my cheek. This saved me another trip in May and I'm gonna see you guys here again in June!


Monday 2 March 2015


Today marks the next phase of my braces. RUBBERBANDS!!!
I've been waiting for this moment for the longest time ever and I'm so happy to have finally made it here. This means that I'm already 3/4 into my braces journey and to whoever that has been following this space for updates, thank you so much for being here with me.

Having the rubberbands on is a little uncomfortable because of the tension it places on my gums to move the teeth. The upper set is going to move backwards while the lower set move forward to fill up the gaps. The last thing on my list after the rubber bands would be the mid line shifting for my upper front teeth which I am also excited for! This whole rubberband journey will take about 6 months only if I put on the bands diligently every single day. I will need to remove them before my meals and put a new one back on after my meals and before going to bed.

It is amazing to know how all these tools help to shift and align your teeth. I am also very amazed with the result. Although braces are a pain in the gums I have never regretted my decision to go for it. I'm also relieved to know that I am no longer receiving comments about how I should be going for braces because my teeth are so crooked. It's been 1 year and 5 months since I've gotten my braces and I am so used to having it. I used to hate how it gives me ulcers and jaw snapping issues but at the same time I am so grateful at how it has helped me become more confident with my smile.

If you need it don't be afraid to go for it. :)

Keep smiling!


Wednesday 21 January 2015


Few weeks late for this post and I'm so sorry to those who have been waiting for this.
Latest dental appointment, two springs up on the upper set to bring some of the teeth back so it gives some space to close up the gaps on my next appointment. I honestly thought I would be suffering for 2 weeks because the initial phase (couple of days) was unbearable as it goes back to throbbing the entire night.
But I'm doing good. 1 week later I'm back to my normal diet.

Looking forward to the next phase in march!