Wednesday 21 January 2015


Few weeks late for this post and I'm so sorry to those who have been waiting for this.
Latest dental appointment, two springs up on the upper set to bring some of the teeth back so it gives some space to close up the gaps on my next appointment. I honestly thought I would be suffering for 2 weeks because the initial phase (couple of days) was unbearable as it goes back to throbbing the entire night.
But I'm doing good. 1 week later I'm back to my normal diet.

Looking forward to the next phase in march!


  1. It’s good to see the latest improvement of your teeth journey. It seems like everything is going great, so far. The results look promising! Just hang in there and all the pain you’ve been through will be worth it. Cheers!

    Eunice Greer @ Downtown Dental SC

    1. Thank you, Eunice! Yes, it's going great and I am really glad to see that all these efforts are paying off. Thank you for dropping by!
      cheers! :)

  2. Beautiful set of teeth! I m sure you r looking forward to your brilliant megawatt smile. May I know how you decide on Dr Ho? Through recommendation? My son needs braces n we live in Semb. A clinic at our doorstep definitely adds convenience. However, I would also want to know about his service n charges. Can comment on this?

    1. Hello, thank you for compliments!
      Happy to know that there is someone living in the north reading this.
      I got to know Dr Ho through recommendations from a friend who did his braces at Dr Ho's clinic. Dr Ho's appt is always full so it is best that you book an appt with him prior to your first visit. I'm sure he is good because his slots are always taken up and Dr Ho is a very patient man. I did my braces at $3500 with a downpayment of $1500 x-ray and first cleaning is not included though. I asked around before deciding on Dr Ho as it is cheaper than many other clinics that my friends went to.

  3. Thks for replying. I hv already made an appt w Dr Ho. He is already full till May! Btw, how often do you need to go bk to hv ur braces tightened? The usual practice is once a month

    1. You are most welcome! That's great to know. :)
      At Dr Ho's clinic tightening is every 2 months. I have friends who got their braces tightened once a month too but I'm very comfortable with it being every 2 months. It will be pretty uncomfortable few hours after he first got his braces especially if he needs extraction.

  4. I am amazed at the improvements on your teeth in just a short time. You must be relieved when the initial pain finally subdued. I'm pretty excited for you to reach the end of your braces journey and see how it will turn out. Keep us updated, Jaslyn! Have a great day! :)

    Shannon Barrett @ Best Care Dental Center

  5. I know that pain you were feeling, glad it wasn't as bad as you first anticipated after the tightened the braces a little. I think that each time you go in for a tightening that you build up a resistance to that initial pain you felt and things get easier from here. Your teeth look amazing already, imagine what they'll look like when they come off!
