Saturday 7 May 2016


R E T A I N E R S!

Hello guys, so here comes the longest wait of my life! Since the day I had to live with a crooked set of teeth I've been waiting for this day to happen. So glad the wait is over and as much as I wanna say that I am enjoying this phase, I dread it as much because I'm still at this point whereby I'm trying to integrate retainers into my life. It's really a chore to brush your teeth after your meal asap because you need to put your retainers back into your mouth.. Not only that but brushing teeth has also become a dreadful task because I not only have to brush my teeth but the retainers too. Sometimes I wish I don't have to go through all these but hey, bring braced isn't all too bad. You just have to embrace the fact that you are special because not everyone gets to wear braces and what more make you become more confident with your smiles.

I was really flattered by the comments people have been making eversince my braces are off. They told me I look great! You have no idea how good that made me feel about myself. If you are currently braced or thinking of getting braced, a brighter and better smile is on the other side of your current imperfections. Whatever struggles you're going through now will be a thing of the past very soon. Having the braces off was a huge relief for me because I no longer have to be conscious about anything being stuck on my braces or unclean teeth because of the braces. I no longer have to worry about discolored o-ring when i have my coffee or the wires digging into my cheek shortly after adjustments. All these painful moments will be over. Hang in there. :)

Very soon this blog will turn into dust as my braced journey is coming to an end. Or rather, it has already ended now that I've gotten my retainers. But I'll just like to add on that I still have another follow up with Dr Ho in August. I will also be making a metal retainer some time later as he said he can try to help me out with the dissatisfaction i had on my upper teeth using the metal retainer. Lastly, diligence and compliance is everything you really need during your braced period. So don't forget to brush it clean, floss it well, put on your elastics as instructed and your retainers religiously. You won't regret it. :)

Till next time, my friends!

Braced no more,

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