Thursday 7 August 2014


Hello guys!
I am so sorry it took me so long to come back to this space. I just went for my dental appointment this afternoon and got my wire and o-rings changed! Dr Ho and I had a mini discussion on whether I want to push my front teeth slightly backwards I think this is to minimize the distance between each tooth after he close up the gaps but I am actually very concern that i might look toothless instead like old people with their dentures removed. He told me that I will if I decided to push it back so my decision for now would be that I dont want to do it however he assured me that minor adjustment can be done without much concern because my smile is relatively wide. So yeah.. I still have time to think anyway so we shall see when time comes then!
Anyway. He got the wire fixed quite tightly so it is kind of uncomfortable now be it when I eat or speak. I will probably need a couple of days to adjust to it. Just hope it doesn't hurt as bad as when I first got it on.
So.. for the color in which I have chosen for the next two months is.... purple!
Here are the two pictures. One before dental and one after.

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