Saturday 25 October 2014


Yesterday marks the application of the largest wire before I move on to the next phase of braces. Just discovered that the wisdom tooth on my upper right developed itself and is now sitting at the very end without any discomfort. I asked Dr Ho if we could keep it so it seems like it got my extracted tooth replaced so I have a complete set of teeth but he said that I can't because after adjustment the gaps will be used up and there will no longer be any space to keep the wisdom teeth plus it might grow out slanted affecting the adjustment. But anyway the extraction isn't urgent so we will wait for an appropriate time to discuss about it. In addition to the wisdom tooth, the upper front teeth's midline seemed to be more to the left side so he said that we will be doing the midline shifting the next session (but it will be time consuming he said) and also the closing of gaps. My lower set of teeth is a little inside so he will be shifting them forward as well. For now it is all about aligning them neatly with the largest wire and in December the shifting and closing of gaps will begin. It is currently so tight that I have problem chewing because it is relatively painful so I will be sticking to soft diet for now and maybe after a couple of days later when it gets better, I will be resuming my normal diet. So far so good just that it its still painful and there is a lot of food that I don't get to enjoy for now because of the pain but I will get through it! So excited for the next phase!
I will talk to you guys again soon! Meanwhile, study hard/work hard, stay safe and be happy!

Friday 22 August 2014


Hello guys!
Just here to fill up this space since I have some time to spare. I was looking through the old photos and I have decided to do a compilation of how my teeth looked like throughout the past 10 months. It is really amazing what braces can do to our teeth isn't it?
I'm so glad I went for my braces and I no longer have to be mocked for my crooked teeth and I am definitely more confidently when I speak to anyone. Conversing with people is a big part of my life since I am in the healthcare industry. I used to have patients to who constantly digs at my teeth and asked me why I hadn't gone for braces. My grandma on the other hand was really angry at me when I decided to get my braces because I had to extract 4 teeth and go through the process of "remodelling" how my teeth looks. She didn't like the idea of changing what is naturally given to me. Of course she didn't understand what other people's comments do to me but I am glad I have supportive people around me whom despite all odds gave me their encouragements and showed their care and concern. Not even rushing me when I tend to chew slower than usual.

I really cannot wait to see how my teeth finally looks like after the braces are removed.
The process is painful but it is definitely very rewarding after 2 years. If you really think you wanna go for it, go ahead! Don't be afraid what people will think of you. We aren't born to be or look perfect. But we can do something about what we are unhappy about. Even though it is very common these days to get braces on whether it is to look cool or because one really needs it and you will come across people who are going to talk about you and give comments that are probably going to upset you. If your teeth is as bad as mine and you have difficulty eating properly, just go ahead. How they think of you doesn't matter because ultimately you are going to gain more confidence and eat in comfort.


Thursday 7 August 2014


Hello guys!
I am so sorry it took me so long to come back to this space. I just went for my dental appointment this afternoon and got my wire and o-rings changed! Dr Ho and I had a mini discussion on whether I want to push my front teeth slightly backwards I think this is to minimize the distance between each tooth after he close up the gaps but I am actually very concern that i might look toothless instead like old people with their dentures removed. He told me that I will if I decided to push it back so my decision for now would be that I dont want to do it however he assured me that minor adjustment can be done without much concern because my smile is relatively wide. So yeah.. I still have time to think anyway so we shall see when time comes then!
Anyway. He got the wire fixed quite tightly so it is kind of uncomfortable now be it when I eat or speak. I will probably need a couple of days to adjust to it. Just hope it doesn't hurt as bad as when I first got it on.
So.. for the color in which I have chosen for the next two months is.... purple!
Here are the two pictures. One before dental and one after.

Sunday 8 June 2014


Helloooooo guise!
Hope all you people are doing great so far! So sorry that I have been neglecting this space for some time due to my really hectic schedule. Anyways. Here are my latest photos from the recent dental appointment! Check out how much my teeth have straightened and I am so grateful that I no longer have any issues with eating BUT i still get 'abrasions' on the inside of my cheek once in a while. Dr Ho told me that we have two more wires to go before he start closing up the gaps. You have no idea how excited I was when I heard that. I really cannot wait to reveal that phase of my braces to all of you!
So for now.. let's just be patient and wait for that day to come! ;)


Tuesday 1 April 2014


It's been about 5 months since I had my braces on and I am glad that I can still look back at this blog to remind myself how it felt like when I went for my first dental appointment with Dr Ho. I am glad that I started this blog because now I see that it is helping a friend of mine who just got her braces yesterday and have no idea what to expect ahead of her.

When you first got your braces on, there are bound to be a few questions that you must be wondering and is probably too shy to ask your dentist. Some of these questions may include:

1. When can I start eating after I got my braces on?
2. What are the food I can eat?
3. How often do I need to brush my teeth?
4. Can I kiss with my braces on?
5. When will it start to hurt and when will I stop feeling the discomfort?
6. What are the requisites I need for my oral hygiene?

I will answer these questions based on my own experience and do bear in mind that such experiences may differ from individuals to individuals, so yeah..

Okay, so question #1.
I believe you can start eating as soon as you got your braces on, just that you will need a while to get used to your new biting technique. I started off with KFC 2 pcs chicken as soon as I got my braces on that evening and I totally regretted it because it hurts like crap after a while and this is because your teeth will start to shift once you got your first few bite and that is when the pain and discomfort kicks in. After struggling to finish 1 pc of chicken I surrender and proceeded to take mash potatoes instead. The next few days felt like shit. I could barely chew or bite anything. I had horfun almost everyday in school and I had to swallow down my horfun because it was too painful to chew before I swallow. Aside from horfun I will take porridge or soup. I couldn't really take rice or simply anything that requires me to chew. I am not sure if you have higher pain threshold than me, but good for you if you do because you get to eat better.

Question #2.
You can eat anything and almost everything except that you need to bear in mind whatever you eat is going to get stuck somewhere in between the wires and brackets so try to avoid anything sticky. Oh yes, try to avoid hard food like apples because that was what my dentist told me. I guess that's because it can cause you to break your wires and brackets so yeah, don't try until you are sure you are good to do so. It will be good to cut down on sugary food because they can increase plaque formation and you don't want that to happen to you. In addition to this, you will find yourself getting annoyed whenever you eat because half the time these food gets stuck in your braces so much so that it makes you wonder if you are the one eating or your braces and you will probably end up like me, trying to use my tongue to remove them off my brackets and wires while eating.
It is very important to ensure your teeth are clean just in case you get tooth decay and halitosis from poor oral hygiene so this brings about my next answer.

Question #3.
You should brush your teeth as often as after every meal. But do not end up like me. I used to be so obsessed with brushing after every single meal or every single time after snacks. I ended up causing abrasion to my gums. I used to brush my teeth after I wake up, after my breakfast, after my snacks, after my lunch, after my snacks, after my dinner, after my snacks and before my bedtime. Haha! So basically I took every opportunity I had to brush my teeth but it soon became a chore. It is impossible to adhere to such strict oral hygiene schedule and it is definitely not healthy for your teeth and gums. I also abstained from soft drinks and sweets and chocolates but now I eat them in moderation. I do not know if you agree with what I do these days but I rinse my mouth with gargle/water when I wake up and brush my teeth only after I had my brunch (or after breakfast and before lunch if it is few hours apart to your next meal) and I make it a point to brush my teeth strictly after breakfast or brunch because I always have my caffeine fixed every morning. Because caffeine causes staining on your teeth, you need to make sure you brush them thoroughly and for me, I use whitening toothpaste and I swear by Darlie Expert White but you may not like it as much as I do. Although it doesn't make your breath smell fresher like other products, it does whitening like magic. To fix your breath, you can use Listerine Mouth Wash which (in my opinion) work better than Colgate's. Also do make an effort to use inter-dental brush in between your brackets to remove excess food that were not removed from brushing. I use Systema's brush along with the gel and it works great. I even use it to clean my teeth and gums after brushing.  By the way, they have different sizes that you can choose from.
Anyway nowadays when I don't get a chance to brush my teeth I make it a point to rinse my mouth thoroughly and remove the food that are stick on my teeth or braces. That is the least you can do for your teeth.

My mama told me that people with braces will have halitosis no matter how often or diligently they brush their teeth so in case you are very conscious about how your breath smells, always keep a pack of sugar-free mint with you. :) I actually got myself a breath spray but I hardly ever use it so yeah, you don't need that in case you were wondering. Just pop the mint.

Question #4.
Of course you can kiss with braces on! I used to think if it will cut their lips or something but it is proven that it will not so yeah. Haha! Just be careful not to knock your teeth into your significant other's because I assure you that it will hurt like siao especially you are into your first few weeks of braces. After a while when the pain is not so intense you are safe to knock it however you want. Nah, just kidding. You must always ensure that you care for your teeth. :)

Question #5.
Like I mention earlier, it will hurt as soon as you take your first meal after you first got your braces on and you will experience pain and discomfort especially when you sleep, particularly so if you sleep on your side because it puts pressure on your bracket and wire. I am sure many of you know how braces work to align your teeth. But just in case you don't, base on my understanding, it is the tension on your brackets and wires which causes the root of the teeth to break off and shift, causing your gums to feel sore/tender and whatever discomfort that you are feeling. The pain will go away maybe after a few weeks or after the first 2 months. It depends.
During my previous few dental appt when my dentist change my o-rings, it hurts quite a bit so do prepare to experience some pain and discomfort during each visit because your gums are still very tender as your teeth continue to shift. I read on the internet that you can take some painkillers before each dental visit but I have never done it so you might want to if you have very low pain threshold.

Question #6.
You are going to need a traveling oral hygiene kit which includes a gargle, toothbrush, toothpaste, interdental brush, interdental gel, floss. Of course all these are not necessarily a need but if you want to, you can get them. Make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly and properly especially on the inside of your teeth. Follow the brushing protocol in which you have been taught back in primary school if you want to make sure you brush your teeth properly.

My friends always tell me that I am exaggerating when it comes to dealing with my braces but I think that since I paid so much for it I need to take good care of it. Afterall I waited so long to get my braces done. It doesn't matter how people look at you even if you are brushing your teeth in public toilet. Just remind yourself of the amount of money you spend and pain you have to go through you want to give your teeth the best you can. I just don't want to end up like some people who eats any and everything and are lapsing in their oral hygiene because their breath smells really bad and you can see all the plaque forming up on their teeth. Eww.

Okay that's all for today.
Hope the above information helps you and if you have any questions, feel free to post them and I will see if I can answer them for you base on my experiences!

Monday 31 March 2014

27.03.2014 (late entry)

Decided to make do with single colored o-ring.
Check out my new baby blue for the next 2 months!

Have already gotten used to my braces after all these months and I am so glad that it is going on great. In addition to all my previous posg I have not mentioned that we should increase our fluid intake as well as making it a point to use our lipbalm often (and especially so if you sleep in an air-conditioned room) because we are more susceptible to dry, chapped and peeling lips likely to be caused by contact with our braces. 

I honestly cannot wait for the next phase of my braces hopefully in two months time. Till then!

Monday 27 January 2014


Harrrlooooowwww guys!
Okay so latest appointment with dr hoh and he's changed the wire to a thicker one and I have 3 criss crossed o-ring on my upper teeth. No idea why but perhaps because it is tighter this way.
Pretty painful when he did that though. Was clenching my fist so tight and perspiring like crazy. Didnt manage to get my red and orange 'cause he ran out of that shade so I got something else instead. So here you go my new phase of braces!

Tuesday 7 January 2014


Hello guys! (Am a little late but) Happy New Year! Hope all of you had a good start.
It's been 73 days after my braces and check out how much my teeth have straighten since 28.10.2013!
Went down to the clinic last friday 'cause my wire came out of the molar bracket but Dr Ho told me that it is okay if it comes out again 'cause it wont interfere with the process. It came out because this is the thin wire and once he change it to a thicker one on the 25th I won't have this problem anymore bit anyway he secured one o-ring on the molar bracket just in case.
Can't wait for my next appointment 'cause I am going on to the next phase of my braces journey!
Looking forward to it though 1 week before celebrating Chinese New Year. I hope it won't cause too much discomfort though.
Will be back here for an update in no time.